

【 謹 告 】


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弊社 支配人 湊本雅和儀、去る4月22日、ロンドンに向かう途中のドバイで心不全のため急逝いたしました。(享年61歳)

株式会社 神戸酒心館
取締役会長 安福幸雄
代表取締役社長 安福武之助
代表取締役副社長 久保田博信

〒658-0044 神戸市東灘区御影塚町1-8-17

It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts that we inform you of the passing of our General Manager, Masakazu Minatomoto.

He passed away suddenly due to heart failure on April 22 in Dubai, while on his way to London. (He was 61 years old.)
The funeral was held privately with only next of kin present.

We mourn the loss of a great man, to whom we express our deepest gratitude for the kindness and friendship that he extended to us during his lifetime.
We ask for your kind understanding as we respectfully decline any kind offerings, in consideration of the wishes of the departed.

We apologize for informing you through this notice, and not contacting you directly.
We hope that in the future you will continue to extend your kindness to our company as you did to the deceased.

Kobe Shu-Shin-Kan Breweries, LTD.
Yukio Yasufuku, Board Chairman
Takenosuke Yasufuku, President and Representative Director
Hironobu Kubota, Vice President and Representative Director

1-8-17 Mikage-tsukamachi
Higashinada-ku, Kobe